
The Semantic Web Journal Celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the Web

[Update 06/19/14: We are currently getting a lot of traffic. Please be patient while the data and components are loading.]

Call for Papers: Special Issue on "The Role of Semantics in Smart Cities"

Call for papers: Special Issue on

The Role of Semantics in Smart Cities

Call for Papers: Special issue on Ontology and Linked Data Matching

Call for papers: Special Issue on

Ontology and Linked Data Matching

Encouraging Five Star Linked Data Vocabulary Use at the Semantic Web Journal

After reviewing and publishing numerous linked dataset description and ontology description papers, we came to the conclusion that a journal such as the Semantic Web journal should actively encourage certain procedures that improve the quality and reusability of Linked Data in the future.

Combined SWJ/EKAW2014 submissions using the SWJ review process

The EKAW 2014 Call for Research Track Papers allows for combined conference + SW journal (fast-track) submissions:

Papers submitted via this track will be published as regular research paper in the EKAW 2014 conference proceedings; a suitably extended version of the paper will be published as a full journal paper in the Semantic Web journal. Papers submitted to this combined track will undergo the regular (open and transparent) SWJ review process.
