Review Comment:
This manuscript is submitted as 'Ontology Description'.
In 10 pages with a total of 26 references only, it introduces the YANG server ontology, which describes the core concepts of the YANG data model and adds extensions to the specific NETCONF protocol which encodes YANG as XML and relies on SSH for interactions between clients and servers. The ontology is developed following the LOT methodology, conceptualized using CHOWLK, the documentation is generated using Widoco, and the ontology+documentation is available at
The sources are on github, with a total of 22 requirements listed in a csv document, and converted to SPARQL queries that can be executed through a Jupyter Notebook. An example turtle file is available too.
In addition to introducing the ontology, the paper describes how the YANG server ontology can be combined with RML to generate a knowledge graph from the data available at a YANG server. More specifically again, this paper and the implementation focuses on the servers implementing the NETCONF protocol. The combination of this work with RML has been integrated in the reference RML implementation BURP (pull request #5).
In my opinion, the article does not meet the quality standards required for publication in the semantic web journal :
(1) Although the paper is officially an ontology paper and should therefore be concise (10p would be fine), its actual scope is broader. The title of the paper demonstrates it focuses on its integration in RML-based KG construction.
(2) As an ontology paper, I'd say that it has some shortcomings.
- It is the result of applying well a mature methodology, but many details are missing, including the timeline of the sequence of sprints, number of participants (domain experts, ontology engineers, number of pitfalls and how they were solved, same for FOOPS!, ...),
- some statistics about the ontology would be welcome. How many classes, properties, what expressivity, ...
- some additional considerations such as modularity: it would have been useful to better separate what's generic (YANG) from what's specific to NETCONF. I guess basic authentication for example is not relevant for all YANG protocols. It would be probably appropriate as well, for a journal paper, to support at least one more YANG protocol such as RESTCONF or gNMI or CORECONF (CORECONF is not mentioned in the paper).
- the way the YANG Server Ontology and RML can be combined could be specified using simple alignments, or more formally using SHACL rules.
(3) If I consider the part of the paper that focuses on the construction of knowledge graphs from NETCONF data sources (what's the focus as per the title, and also the most relevant to this special issue):
- we're missing a proper validation of the approach. It's a good point that the proposal has been merged in the BURP code base, however this doesn't properly justify the validity of the approach. I would expect some validation through experiments in the paper, with a clear description of the setting (based if I understand well on CESNET/netopeer2). Statistics about KG generation would be relevant, including the duration, how this duration is shared between the YANG server/network/BURP, including size of the exchanged XML documents, number of triples generated, relevance of having filters on the server, etc.
- I miss some discussion about alternative ways to support the conversion of XML data on CORECONF servers. From my understanding of RFC6241, NETCONF must support SSH as a transport protocol (specified further in RFC6242), but other transport protocols could be defined incl. SOAP/HTTP/TLS. So an alternative could be to have data sources in RML send a SOAP request message, and interpret the SOAP response message. An alternative could also be to extend RML with support for SSH connections to some server, then have the logical source element describe what needs to be sent to the server, and how the response must be interpreted ...
- I miss some discussion about what would be different for another YANG protocol. What can be reused from the ontology and implementation, and what needs to be added
(4) Finally, I believe the paper could use more references or could better choose references. For example, there is a reference for the modular RML as the result of 3yrs of existence of the KGC community group (ISWC 2023 Resource Track). Maybe the following papers are highly related work:
- Ismail, H., Hamza, H. S., & Mohamed, S. M. (2018, December). Semantic enhancement for network configuration management. In 2018 IEEE Global Conference on Internet of Things (GCIoT) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
- Sahlmann, K. (2021). Network management with semantic descriptions for interoperability on the Internet of Things (Doctoral dissertation, Universität Potsdam).
- Sahlmann, K., Scheffler, T., & Schnor, B. (2018, June). Ontology-driven device descriptions for IoT network management. In 2018 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
The section about related work is really focusing on RML, with only 4 references. If the paper is about the ontology, then related ontologies should be considered.