Review Comment:
The paper gives a comprehensive description of a comprehensive project to make Greek spending data available and useable as Linked Data.
It is well-written and readable, and extremely well-structured following the paper guidelines, making it easy to follow.
There is much of interest here, and the text raises few questions it does not also answer.
I have no negative comments, and note that I found many of the discussions, such as that concerning ontology choices, interesting.
I was left with a couple of minor things, such as a wondering about the effectiveness of the crowd-sourcing, and what is the architecture that requires the load-balancing.
One question I would like to see an answer for is about the errors detailed on page 8. Can the authors make some statement about how likely it is that there remain significant errors of this type after their cleaning?
Typos and smaller comments:
This is quite a long list, but not to be critical - simply to help the paper read more fluently.
You might want to say that PSGR is "Public Spending GReece", if it is?
Page 1
Para 2: has been -> was, in such -> to such an
Para 3: 5 states -> 5 describes, the section -> section, the last -> the last section
Para 4: in daily scale -> on a daily basis,
common English usage is to use "." for the decimal point, not "," (even though it is not standard)
mil. is not a common abbreviation for million:- either use 2M etc. or 2 million
similarly bil. is 44.5B or 44.5 billion
In the table, again, "," is used for the decimal point, but in this case is also used to group larger numbers; I suggest leaving "," for the grouping, and using "." for the decimal point throughout the paper.
Page 2
Para 5: it … payments -> the ability to discover and annotate individual payments is also supported.
Para 6: semestrial? I assume this means every six months, although it is not in my dictionary - you might like to make it clearer
Para 7: assesment -> assessment
Para 8: argue -> argues
Figure 1: clearly not readable at normal zoom levels, but readable by zooming in a long way - is this a problem?
Para 9: few -> a few
Page 4
Para 0: of an -> of: or could be an but not both, the most -> most
Para 3: submisison -> submission
Page 5
Figure 2: There is no reference to it from the text (as is conventional)
Again, Figure 2 is a little difficult to read at a normal zoom level, but may be OK
Para 1: deployed -> been deployed
Para 5: class in -> class in the
Page 6
Para 5: States follow -> States follows, way to -> way for
Table 2: until -> in
Para 6: associated to -> associated with, fullfilled -> populated or established (fullfilled -> fulfilled, by the way), to form -> so that the formation of, become -> becomes
Page 7
Para 0: they have been -> we have, lemma? - I'm not certain I can interpret this use as you intend
Para 7: pointed -: identified?
Page 8
Para 0: For being -> To be, the for -> for, irrelevant for -> irrelevant to
Submission in response to
Submission in response to