Testing Prompt Engineering Methods for Knowledge Extraction from Text |
Accept |
492 |
05/Sep/2024 |
Matcha-DL a tool for supervised ontology alignment |
Major Revision |
1,095 |
03/Sep/2024 |
The Community Solid Server: Supporting Research & Development in an Evolving Ecosystem |
Accept |
303 |
02/Sep/2024 |
Possible Hyperworlds: representing Kripke models in RDF |
Reject |
496 |
30/Aug/2024 |
A survey on SPARQL Query Relaxation Under the Lens of RDF Reification |
Accept |
1,057 |
29/Aug/2024 |
Semantic Rules from Text: Automating Common-Sense Knowledge Curation with LLMs |
Reject |
6,954 |
28/Aug/2024 |
Ontology of Security Requirements for Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) |
Reject (Pre-Screening) |
241 |
26/Aug/2024 |
On the interplay between validation and inference in SHACL - an investigation on the Time Ontology |
Major Revision |
506 |
26/Aug/2024 |
Applying possibilistic axiom scoring to instance-guided ontology evolution in RDF streams |
Reject |
446 |
26/Aug/2024 |
Harmonizing Heterogeneous Data: A Materialized Knowledge Graph Approach for Federated Information Systems |
Reject |
666 |
26/Aug/2024 |
PRSC: from PG to RDF and back, using schemas |
Accept |
726 |
19/Aug/2024 |
Engineering a formal representation of complex temporal Information using the Web Ontology Language |
Reject |
617 |
19/Aug/2024 |
IncRML: Incremental Knowledge Graph Construction from Heterogeneous Data Sources |
Major Revision |
1,116 |
19/Aug/2024 |
The Epistemology of Fine-Grained News Classification |
Minor Revision |
879 |
19/Aug/2024 |
End-to-End Trainable Soft Retriever for Low-resource Relation Extraction |
Reject |
899 |
19/Aug/2024 |
RePlanIT Ontology for FAIR Digital Product Passports of ICT: Laptops and Data Servers |
Major Revision |
1,832 |
19/Aug/2024 |
On General and Biomedical Text-to-Graph Large Language Models |
Minor Revision |
1,060 |
19/Aug/2024 |
An Analysis of the Performance of Representation Learning Methods for Entity Alignment: Benchmark vs. Real-world Data |
Major Revision |
945 |
19/Aug/2024 |
Multilingual Question Answering over Linked Data building on a model of the lexicon-ontology interface |
Major Revision |
772 |
19/Aug/2024 |
Interoperability of bibliographic ontologies: towards a Reference Ontology to overcome semantic shortcomings and misalignments |
Reject |
536 |
13/Aug/2024 |
Ontology for Knowledge Graph Construction using Visual Relationships |
Reject (Pre-Screening) |
534 |
09/Aug/2024 |
Path-based and triplification approaches to mapping data into RDF: user behaviours and recommendations |
Accept |
1,235 |
01/Aug/2024 |
RQSS: Referencing Quality Scoring System for Wikidata |
Accept |
1,296 |
24/Jul/2024 |
On assessing weaker logical status claims in Wikidata Cultural Heritage records |
Accept |
753 |
24/Jul/2024 |
InteractOA: Showcasing the representation of knowledge from scientific literature in Wikidata |
Accept |
723 |
24/Jul/2024 |
Ontology supported semantic based image retrieval |
Accept |
1,457 |
24/Jul/2024 |
Multilingual Question Answering Systems for Knowledge Graphs—A Survey |
Accept |
908 |
24/Jul/2024 |
Formalizing and Validating Wikidata's Property Constraints using SHACL and SPARQL |
Accept |
2,188 |
24/Jul/2024 |
qEndpoint: A Novel Triple Store Architecture for Large RDF Graphs |
Accept |
1,176 |
22/Jul/2024 |