
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort descending
Considerations regarding Ontology Design Patterns Accept 11,575 04/Nov/2015
Building Geoscience Semantic Web Applications Using Established Ontologies Reject 5,856 19/Nov/2015
Topic Modeling for Linked Open Vocabularies Reject 5,878 23/Nov/2015
TermPicker: Enabling the Reuse of Vocabulary Terms by Exploiting Data from the Linked Open Data Cloud Reject 4,890 14/Dec/2015
A Web Interface to a Probabilistic OWL Reasoner Reject 4,811 14/Dec/2015 An Interoperable Framework for Web Knowledge Bases Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,235 13/Jan/2016
An Improved Abstract State Machine Based Choreography Specification and Execution Algorithm for Semantic Web Services Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,217 15/Jan/2016
Semantic representation of annotation involving texts and linked data resources Reject 6,029 20/Jan/2016
Semantic Annotations to enhance Innovation and Technology Watch Interoperability Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,182 31/Jan/2016
PICASO Linked Data: A Crowdsourced Dataset of Interlinked Scientific Objects Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,428 01/Feb/2016
Genetic algorithm based Linked data fusion approach Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,233 01/Feb/2016
Linked Dataset Description Papers at the Semantic Web Journal: A Critical Assessment Accept 12,738 02/Feb/2016
A Linked Data Wrapper for CrunchBase Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,280 07/Feb/2016
Assessing completeness when complementing SKOS thesauri: two quality measures on SKOS:exactMatch linkesets Reject 5,277 11/Feb/2016
Towards high quality data catalogues: addressing exploitability. Reject 5,931 11/Feb/2016
Text Mining for Community Memberships Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,223 14/Feb/2016
Human Computation and Crowdsourcing meet the Semantic Web: A Survey Major Revision 7,571 15/Feb/2016
Quality Assurance of RDB2RDF Mappings Major Revision 5,605 16/Feb/2016
Ontology Usability Scale: Context-aware Metrics for the Effectiveness, Efficiency and Satisfaction of Ontology Uses Reject 5,348 17/Feb/2016
One Size Does Not Fit All: Logic-based Clustering for On-the-fly Semantic Web Service Composition and Verification Reject 6,623 22/Feb/2016
Semantic-based News Impact Framework (SNIF) Using Wikipedia Mining and Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,107 26/Feb/2016
Special Issue on the Semantic Web for the Legal Domain Guest Editors’ Editorial: The Next Step Accept 15,037 05/Mar/2016
Open Data Quality from a Developers' Perspective Reject 6,111 07/Mar/2016
SCOnt, an Ontology for crime solving through Social Media Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,336 08/Mar/2016
Pundit 2.0 Reject 5,833 10/Mar/2016
Thematic Linked Data Matching: an Approach based on Geographic Reference Data Reject 4,832 11/Mar/2016
Discovering semantic and sentiment correlations using huge corpus of short informal Arabic language text Reject 5,514 21/Mar/2016
Understanding Large Persons’ Networks through Semantic Categorization Reject 7,907 23/Mar/2016
Semantic Human-Machine Computation Workflows Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,699 23/Mar/2016
