
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort descending
Online approximative SPARQL query processing for COUNT-DISTINCT queries with Web Preemption Accept 4,292 06/May/2022
Modular Ontology Modeling Accept 5,388 06/May/2022
When Linguistics Meets Web Technologies. Recent advances in Modelling Linguistic Linked Open Data Accept 5,079 06/May/2022
Beyond the Expressiveness of OWL for the Representation of Manufacturing Process Reject 2,414 13/May/2022
Survey on English Entity Linking on Wikidata Accept 5,139 15/May/2022
Instance Level Analysis on Linked Open Data Connectivity for Cultural Heritage Entity Linking and Data Integration Accept 4,127 20/May/2022
Analysis of Ontologies and Policy Languages to Represent Information Flows in GDPR Accept 4,964 20/May/2022
Neighbourhood-based Cross-Language Ontology Matching Reject (Two Strikes) 1,963 25/May/2022
Linking Discourse level information and induction of bilingual discourse connective lexicons Accept 3,842 27/May/2022
Triple Confidence-aware Encoder-Decoder Model for Commonsense Knowledge Graph Completion Reject (Two Strikes) 2,348 02/Jun/2022
Orbis: Explainable Benchmarking of Information Extraction Tasks Major Revision 3,338 17/Jun/2022
Web Browsers: Preference of the New Generation Reject (Pre-Screening) 1,503 21/Jun/2022
Ontology and semantic net based technology applied to smart corrosion protection modelling & simulation Major Revision 2,361 22/Jun/2022
Question Answering with Deep Neural Networks for Semi-Structured Heterogeneous Genealogical Knowledge Graphs Accept 4,022 26/Jun/2022
An approach to increase the usability of Shape Expressions editors Reject (Pre-Screening) 1,405 28/Jun/2022
PMLAP: A Methodology for Annotating SSML Elements into HTML5 Reject (Pre-Screening) 1,342 05/Jul/2022
Experiential Observations: an Ontology Pattern-based Study on Capturing the Potential Content within Evidences of Experiences Reject (Two Strikes) 2,406 08/Jul/2022
Towards Explainable Knowledge Graph Embeddings by Respecting Logical Commitments Reject 2,357 12/Jul/2022
OG: A Generic Framework for Knowledge Graph Embedding with Ontology Guided Relational Constrains Reject 2,263 20/Jul/2022
Editorial of the Special Issue on Cultural Heritage and Semantic Web Accept 2,661 20/Jul/2022
TermitUp: Generation and Enrichment of Linked Terminologies Accept 4,513 26/Jul/2022
Generation of Training Data for Named Entity Recognition of Artworks Accept 2,883 28/Jul/2022
Semantic models and services for conservation and restoration of cultural heritage: a comprehensive survey Accept 3,391 28/Jul/2022
RelTopic: A Graph-Based Semantic Relatedness Measure in Topic Ontologies and Its Applicability for Topic Labeling of Old Press Articles Accept 4,200 28/Jul/2022
Semantic representation of Design for Manufacturing and Assembly offsite housing Reject (Two Strikes) 1,744 29/Jul/2022
Move Cultural Heritage Knowledge Graphs in Everyone's Pocket Accept 3,144 01/Aug/2022
Transdisciplinary approach to archaeological investigations in a Semantic Web perspective Accept 3,341 01/Aug/2022
Influence of event representation patterns on some aspects of natural language querying interfaces to ontologies Reject 2,113 03/Aug/2022
Analyzing Biography Collections Historiographically as Linked Data: Case National Biography of Finland Accept 4,348 10/Aug/2022
