
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort descending
Possible Hyperworlds: representing Kripke models in RDF Reject 886 30/Aug/2024
Matcha-DL a tool for supervised ontology alignment Major Revision 1,894 03/Sep/2024
Testing Prompt Engineering Methods for Knowledge Extraction from Text Accept 1,297 05/Sep/2024
Interoperability of bibliographic ontologies: towards a Reference Ontology to overcome semantic shortcomings and misalignments Reject 1,095 15/Sep/2024
ScienceON Knowledge Graph System: Exploring New Frontiers in Science and Technology Information Integration System Reject 1,407 24/Sep/2024
Semantic Rules from Text: Automating Common-Sense Knowledge Curation with LLMs Reject 7,549 30/Sep/2024
Managing FAIR Knowledge Graphs as Polyglot Data End Points: A Benchmark based on the rdf2pg Framework and Plant Biology Data Reject 1,044 01/Oct/2024
PRSC: from PG to RDF and back, using schemas Accept 1,485 03/Oct/2024
The Community Solid Server: Supporting Research & Development in an Evolving Ecosystem Accept 1,367 03/Oct/2024
Publishing and Using Parliamentary Linked Data on the Semantic Web: ParliamentSampo System for Parliament of Finland Accept 1,266 15/Oct/2024
Introducing MOSA: Enhancing Traffic Event Analysis for Situational Awareness Services Reject (Pre-Screening) 534 19/Oct/2024
Content-based recommender system using Neo4j native graph database Reject (Pre-Screening) 563 19/Oct/2024
Edge-Aware Scalable Graph Transformer for Network Representation Learning Reject (Pre-Screening) 500 19/Oct/2024
CovKG: A Covid-19 Knowledge Graph for Enabling Multidimensional Analytics on Covid-19 Epidemiological Data considering Spatiotemporal, Environmental, Health, and Socioeconomic Aspects Reject 1,242 31/Oct/2024
Compliance checking in the Semantic Web: an RDF-based conflict-tolerant version of the Deontic Traditional Scheme Reject 1,498 31/Oct/2024
RDFGraphGen: A Synthetic RDF Graph Generator based on SHACL Constraints Reject (Pre-Screening) 886 03/Nov/2024
Generation of Semantic Knowledge Graphs from Maintenance Work Order Data Reject 1,617 06/Nov/2024
The Epistemology of Fine-Grained News Classification Accept 782 11/Nov/2024
Optimising the ShExML engine through code profiling: from turtle's pace to state-of-the-art performance Accept 871 14/Nov/2024
Harmonizing Heterogeneous Data: A Materialized Knowledge Graph Approach for Federated Information Systems Reject 1,351 29/Nov/2024
Digital Health Transformation: Leveraging Knowledge Graphs Reasoning Framework and Conversational Agents for Enhanced Knowledge Management Reject 2,046 29/Nov/2024
SemPubFlow: a novel Scientific Publishing Workflow using Knowledge Graphs, Wikidata and LLMs – the CEUR-WS use case Reject 1,232 04/Dec/2024
Knowledge Graph Construction for Health, Lifestyle and Fitness Applications Reject 961 05/Dec/2024
Special Issue on Wikidata Construction, Evaluation and Applications Accept 317 09/Dec/2024
The expansion of image information using ontologies to enhancing the efficiency of data retrieval tasks Major Revision 956 31/Dec/2024
Towards Explainable Automated Knolwedge Engineering with Human-in-the-loop Minor Revision 991 31/Dec/2024
Ontology Framework for Privacy Protection Pertaining to Learning, Education & Training (LET) Reject 859 03/Jan/2025
NIS2Onto: an Ontological Representation of the NIS 2 Directive Reject 730 03/Jan/2025
Repairing $\mathcal{EL_\perp}$ Ontologies Using Debugging, Weakening and Completing Major Revision 1,514 06/Jan/2025
