
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Viewssort descending Updated
FrameBase: Enabling Integration of Heterogeneous Knowledge Accept 10,920 08/Apr/2018
XMLSchema2ShEx: Converting XML validation to RDF validation Accept 10,932 28/Aug/2018
Overview of the MPEG-21 Media Contract Ontology Accept 10,939 15/Mar/2017
Detecting Linked Data Quality Issues via Crowdsourcing: A DBpedia Study Accept 10,942 08/Apr/2018
Special Issue on the Semantics of Microposts Accept 10,951 01/Jul/2014
RODI: Benchmarking Relational-to-Ontology Mapping Generation Quality Accept 10,961 13/Apr/2018
Crowd-sourced Digital Humanities linked data contributing to library datasets: the case of the Listening Experience Database Reject 11,002 07/Jun/2020
Vecsigrafo: Corpus-based Word-Concept Embeddings - Bridging the Statistic-Symbolic Representational Gap in Natural Language Processing Accept 11,006 04/Jun/2019
A Five-Star Rating Scheme to Assess Application Seamlessness Accept 11,089 15/Mar/2017
Tag as you like…, we can understand you! Reject 11,099 20/Dec/2011
Flexible Query Processing for SPARQL Accept 11,191 08/Apr/2018
Quality-Based Model For Effective and Robust Multi-User Pay-As-You-Go Ontology Matching Accept 11,235 15/Mar/2017
Editorial Accept 11,265 09/Jun/2015
Effective and Efficient Semantic Table Interpretation using TableMiner+ Accept 11,266 08/Apr/2018
Temporal Representation and Reasoning in OWL 2 Accept 11,284 08/Apr/2018
ActiveRaUL: Automatically Generated Web Interfaces for Creating RDF Data Reject 11,291 15/Jul/2014
Approaches, methods, metrics, measures, and subjectivity in ontology evaluation: A survey Reject 11,301 20/Sep/2014
On the Efficient Execution of Bounded Jaro-Winkler Distances Accept 11,304 15/Mar/2017
RehabRobo-Query: Answering Natural Language Queries about Rehabilitation Robotics Ontology on the Cloud Accept 11,399 12/Sep/2018
PrivOnto: a Semantic Framework for the Analysis of Privacy Policies Accept 11,446 23/May/2018
Forest Logging: A Trace-Based Analysis of Large Rule-Based Computations Accept 11,455 20/Apr/2016
The Humanitarian eXchange Language: Coordinating Disaster Response with Semantic Web Technologies Accept 11,491 20/Apr/2016
Automated Generation of Assessment Tests from Domain Ontologies Accept 11,515 08/Apr/2018
Considerations regarding Ontology Design Patterns Accept 11,520 04/Nov/2015
Query Answering over Contextualized RDF/OWL Knowledge with Forall-Existential Bridge Rules: Decidable Finite Extension Classes Accept 11,563 15/Mar/2017
Using an Ontology for Representing the Knowledge on Literary Texts: the Dante Alighieri Case Study Accept 11,570 08/Apr/2018
Next Generation Scientific Publishing and the Web of Data Accept 11,577 25/May/2014
Probabilistic Description Logics under the Distribution Semantics Accept 11,578 20/Apr/2016
A consumer’s look on Facebook and Twitter – What do people read and where? Reject and Resubmit 11,598 14/Aug/2012
