
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Viewssort descending Updated
User profiling on Twitter Reject 14,949 03/Jan/2012
Map-On: A web-based editor for visual ontology mapping Accept 14,971 08/Apr/2018
Theoretical Foundations and Engineering Tools for Building Ontologies as Reference Conceptual Models Accept 14,979 08/Dec/2010
A semantic model for scholarly electronic publishing in Biomedical Sciences Accept 14,986 04/Apr/2013
The Apertium Bilingual Dictionaries on the Web of Data Accept 15,010 08/Apr/2018
Countering language attrition with PanLex and the Web of Data Accept 15,035 20/Apr/2016
Special Issue on the Semantic Web for the Legal Domain Guest Editors’ Editorial: The Next Step Accept 15,037 05/Mar/2016
Geospatial Dataset Curation through a Location-based Game Accept 15,046 20/Apr/2016
Digital Heritage: Semantic Challenges of Long-term Preservation Accept 15,059 08/Dec/2010
A logical characterisation of SPARQL federation Accept 15,092 08/Jun/2016
Semantic Web and Reasoning for Cultural Heritage and Digital Libraries Accept 15,108 28/Aug/2011
A Survey of Current Link Discovery Frameworks Accept 15,121 08/Apr/2018
Defeasibility in Answer Set Programs with Defaults and Argumentation Rules Accept 15,146 20/Apr/2016
The Rijksmuseum Collection as Linked Data Accept 15,164 08/Jul/2018
SISSVoc: A Linked Data API for access to SKOS vocabularies Accept 15,257 15/Mar/2017
OpeNER Accommodations as Linked Data Reject 15,260 16/Jul/2013
Converting the PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS Lexicon into RDF with lemon Accept 15,329 20/Apr/2016
Privacy Aware and Faceted User-Profile Management Using Social Data Major Revision 15,360 16/Nov/2011
The debates of the European Parliament as Linked Open Data Accept 15,404 15/Mar/2017
OntoWiki - An Authoring, Publication and Visualization Interface for the Data Web Accept 15,458 20/Apr/2016
Complexity of redundancy detection on RDF graphs in the presence of rules, constraints, and queries Accept 15,473 05/Sep/2012
Towards the Ubiquitous Web Accept 15,480 08/Dec/2010
The RÉPENER Linked Dataset Accept 15,562 20/Apr/2016
Ontology-based User Profile Learning from heterogeneous Web Resources in a Big Data Context Reject 15,582 15/Mar/2014
Using ontologies to model human navigation behavior in information networks: A study based on Wikipedia Accept 15,687 20/Apr/2016
Semantic Quran a Multilingual Resource for Natural-Language Processing Accept 15,693 20/Apr/2016
A Scalable Approach for Statistical Learning in Semantic Graphs Accept 15,791 21/Jan/2013
Migration of a library catalogue into RDA linked open data Accept 15,857 15/Mar/2017
The Open University Linked Data - Accept 15,912 15/Mar/2017
