
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Viewssort ascending Updated
Natural Language-based User Interface for Knowledge Management System. A Computational Linguistics Approach Reject 10,577 04/Mar/2019
Mining Social Semantics on the Social Web Accept 10,552 22/Feb/2017
Querying Biomedical Linked Data with Natural Language Questions Accept 10,536 08/Apr/2018
2nd Special Issue on Linked Dataset Descriptions Accept 10,533 27/Jan/2015
Privacy, Security and Policies: A review of Problems and Solutions with Semantic Web Technologies Accept 10,509 14/Jan/2018
A Survey on Semantic Scientific Workflow Reject 10,481 09/Sep/2012
Literally Better: Analyzing and Improving the Quality of Literals Accept 10,456 08/Apr/2018
Using microtasks to crowdsource DBpedia entity classification: A study in workflow design Accept 10,441 08/Apr/2018
The Web of Data radiography: Is current Open Data good enough for Linked Data? Reject 10,397 27/Dec/2020
A Foundation for Spatial Data Warehouses on the Semantic Web Accept 10,390 25/Apr/2017
An extended study of content and crowdsourcing-related performance factors in Named Entity Annotation Accept 10,355 08/Apr/2018
Extending a CRF-based Named Entity Recognition Model for Turkish Well Formed Text and User Generated Content Accept 10,338 08/Apr/2018
Future Internet Ontologies: The NOVI Experience Reject 10,338 18/May/2014
Lessons Learnt from the Named Entity rEcognition and Linking (NEEL) Challenge Series Accept 10,334 23/May/2018
Observing the Web of Data through Efficient Distributed SPARQL Queries Major Revision 10,333 31/Mar/2014
Discovery of Emerging Design Patterns in Ontologies Using Tree Mining Accept 10,261 25/Apr/2017
DogOnt as a viable seed for semantic modeling of AEC/FM Accept 10,234 17/Jul/2018
Reasoning with Data Flows and Policy Propagation Rules Accept 10,227 23/May/2018
Supporting the Linked Data publication process with the LOD2 Statistical Workbench Major Revision 10,224 08/Apr/2014
QA3: a Natural Language Approach to Question Answering over RDF Data Cubes Accept 10,216 28/Aug/2018
A Hierarchical Aggregation Framework for Efficient Multilevel Visual Exploration and Analysis Accept 10,214 15/Mar/2017
Names Are Not Good Enough: Reasoning over Taxonomic Change in the Andropogon Complex Accept 10,205 15/Mar/2017
A Linked Dataset of Medical Educational Resources Reject 10,200 11/Dec/2012
Semantic Web Journal Volume 6 Issue 6 Accept 10,175 20/Apr/2016
Ontobee: A Linked Data Server that publishes RDF and HTML data simultaneously Reject and Resubmit 10,175 03/Mar/2013
Special Issue on Ontology and Linked Data Matching Accept 10,169 30/Nov/2016
Linked Legal Data: A SKOS Vocabulary for the Code of Federal Regulations Reject 10,135 09/Jan/2013
VIG: Data Scaling for OBDA Benchmarks Accept 10,115 30/Oct/2018
Ontology for a Panoptes building: exploiting contextual information and a smart camera network Accept 10,107 01/Aug/2018
